=='''Key Characteristics'''==
At the beginning of the game, every player can choose from one of the three basic characteristics.'''The Hustler''' (earns cash faster), '''Runner''' (gains stamina faster) or '''Fighter''' (gains energy faster). Every player has four main attributes.
'''CASH''' <br>
In hand cash can be earned in multiple ways. It can be looted from other players on fights or can be obtained doing missions or special assignments. The interest paid out from the Bank also comes here. Cash can be won from the Casino too. If nothing goes trade in cash for diamonds from Big Jim. <br>
'''STAMINA''' <br>
For every mission and special assignments, players need stamina. Stamina is rebuilt over time. If not can be bought for diamonds as well as. <br>
'''ENERGY''' <br>
Every fight (both with other players as well as with Bosses) and even some assignments consume Energy. Just like stamina energy also grows with time. <br>
'''HEALTH''' <br>
Every fight consumes a part of the player's health. The same applies even when someone attacks the player. Health also improves back with time. If not can be healed at hospitals with clean money from the bank.
Each of Stamina, Energy and Health are reset to MAX on completion of each level. The skill points earned during the game can be used to increase and improve the Max Levels of each of these characteristics too.
=='''The Game'''==
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