! colspan="2" | Strength
! rowspan="2" | Armory
! rowspan="2" | Cost
(In Diamonds)
! rowspan="2" | Extra Info
! Attack !! Defence
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/YEpTtG-ihrV9M5n_jXDdEg.png?.png
| AxeN Rose
| 46
| 94
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/Kf8cw3Ef5d88cKYadGIg8w.png?.png
| Sgt. T-bone
| 92
| 48
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1+1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle.
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/ib727o8-TIExmqeXvCYOxw.png?.png
| Dawn Ravager
| 48
| 92
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/9lGJRBamtnahmGQdufsx-Q.png?.png
| Captain Skullz
| 102
| 40
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+2 Vehicle.
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/PEmbDx37-TsVn-0HGGNZPg.png?.png
| The Crusader
| 100
| 42
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+3 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/NcDTsEwl0eYF2uHELZDv9Q.png?.png
| Bonnie Mayhem
| 48
| 92
| Can handle 1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1+2 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/AYTSlBr0EMrf36MnhEyPiw.png?.png
| Green Fairy
| 48
| 92
| Can handle 1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/eREhzL5FKY7XfYcTmdufaA.png?.png
| Stan The Man
| 50
| 90
| Can handle 1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/fmUAMjRV5XasuBoEOla26g.png?.png
| Mad Santa
| 98
| 42
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+3 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/SySWwJLyYN1N58DgUrNqKA.png?.png
| Lone Wolf
| 96
| 44
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/qi8Zt4gi5YOSJ5AN0olFZw.png?.png
| The Noname Man
| 96
| 44
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+3 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/byQmcu8zIX259mYF24wO8w.png?.png
| The Gunreaper
| 94
| 46
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/GAMuzVaggPtP4C0IEMk1GA.jpg?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/28-hGcr8cZxYljP69fQ_Bw.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/54CMoLVFWMlqeNCNw0kVAA.png?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/rLn-Ka2_DST-Z16H9Uz5Vg.jpg?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/Cqq7ei9TKug4EpdDk6mgBA.png?.png
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 80
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/XZpkf3MUYCLjF6NBILZPyQ.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1+1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 85
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/24wnON-DQ3AhcxhCm7MWqw.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1+1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 85
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/pTa6PAimpC2TveuDq57TfQ.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/49ZezAMrGxuX8pz8FtI2JQ.png?.png
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 80
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/oTWEPo8oXTd2LalKhP2O_A.png?.png
| 91
| 49
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 2 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/3v5fPt86OdIzTNRDL73OoA.png?.png
| The Krampus
| 8998| 5142
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/i54QRiDdMOpzLGXgFFteOQ.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/tU5ST2JqkI-iAs1wsZBY7g.png?.png
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 80
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/2tzMmA9rRbYIMJdvuIEd6A.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/izLBCSUvR3exoUG7r0Jb-A.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/8Y9l_D8fC64bVTWwMDwj2w.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/h0qr-piol-JXF-dNC_n8vg.png?.png
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 80
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/gOSR2uTQUVoRJpy14AL8hA.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/zM3OBHb9UHXQgu-05T_xSQ.png?.png
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 80
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/qGgnwosBj4Wqd-bb08n3nw.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/yCP2qRVog38CfUqbZgQdyQ.jpg?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/5C2lGOVWnupar_U08t06LQ.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/WnewTZc20sHs6R6xv2EL4g2xbb1DrzgvxjP9qesj0ZVg.png?.png
| Killer Klown
| 80
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+3 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/UtPMIE3fO1_Ae5jGjKMJmA.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1+1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 85
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/i2gM9fhfAc49PBNLpNJrag.png?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+3 Vehicle
| 85
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/2wDXMbDTnBzszFmUfxqNXw.png?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/gRy_KeJ0L7srbS0RlJstEQ.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 90
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/hucOznVAVSfd7aRXR_4Xkw.png?.png
| Can handle 1+2 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 75
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/XBeqAO7IIsT2_EP0BqNAUA.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1+1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 85
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/KdII3kHXXB4-jJfuLxNnVA.png?.png
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 80
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/gmg_ptrjX5I7YR9P5K1TNQ.png?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 80
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/24MlXjFeAosPkDhe3YgW_A.jpg?.png
| Can handle 1+3 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 80
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/ssBjudlCoGDPZth5WVMtXw.png?.png
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1+3 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 80
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/JZDDux7-Z_c_fAn3vHXc0g.png?.png
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicle
| 75
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/bbJ44FvhlJv203d3axqNMw.png?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapon, 1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 25
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/dM8nQtkuuhRZXVRe7l0CDA.png?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapon, 1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 25
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/B7Df8LQab-uvUEuXwCvlIg.png?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapon, 1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 35
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/7smKEsuaqKQrA6G5bOrthQ.png?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapon, 1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 45
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/3shY_OGAoJFM6aMgMnBvwg.png?.png
| Can handle 1+1 Weapons, 1 Armor, 1 Vehicle
| 60
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/51BKXe3aEH12XzI0G5bZwQ.png?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapon, 1+ 1Armors, 1 Vehicle
| 65
| https://d38957szc5yx03.cloudfront.net/s/m/XBfmzKSeDR1THfdrk8ikow.png?.png
| Can handle 1 Weapon, 1 Armor, 1+1 Vehicles
| 70
Changes - Downtown Mafia | Wiki
Open main menu



1,859 bytes added, 11:09, 26 September 2019
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Downtown Mafia | Wiki